I hope as an artist you will be able to gain a bit from this tutorial. I've always had trouble with drawing feathers in art, most specifically of peacocks.
First, I suggest finding a stock image to look at. It is always better to keep looking at the subject rather than guessing from memory. (here is a good image)
Materials You Will Need: Paper, Tortillion (shader), and a pencil
The Steps:
1. Draw a very simplified balloon (see left image below)
2. Inside the actual balloon area create oval/circular designs similar to the design on a peacock's feather. The stock photo makes this part handy because every feather creates a different unique design.
Steps 1 and 2 |
3. Lightly color in the main part of the eye:(your area inside the balloon shape but outside of the ovals)
4. I made the main area of the eye on mine darker before blending.
5. If you have a shader you can use that to blend it all together, if not you can smudge with your finger. I blended all around the main area of my eye leaving some light around my small oval shapes.
6. Make the smallest part of the eye the darkest. Also leaving a bit of light inside it to give it a shiny, reflective feel.
7. Lightly color in the rest of the eye and blend for a desirable effect. Blend again.
Steps 3-7 (click here a high resolution image) |
8. The feathers appear more spaced out at the bottom and closer together as you make your way to the top. You can use the letter V as a layout for the feather.
9. To add feathers above the eye I actually go through the eye with my pencil from underneath it to try and keep some symmetry. Then I blend whatever lines noticeable inside the eye so they aren't visible anymore.
10. After the basic line art add a little more graphite to those feathers to make them thicker. (last photo on right)
steps 8-10 |
Last step:
This is my final feather. I added more shading inside the eye and left more lighter to resemble light bouncing off the feather. You can really add to your piece and make it "pop."
This is my final feather. I added more shading inside the eye and left more lighter to resemble light bouncing off the feather. You can really add to your piece and make it "pop."
I really hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and I plan on adding more soon. :)
This is lovely and very helpful! I'm having such a nice time browsing through your blog. :)
Very helpful for drawing out my next tattoo design. plus it's nice to know how to draw a peacock feather since its by far my most favorite bird! Thank you!
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