Thursday, April 28, 2011




I'm using this sketch to go along with something I will post either tonight or tomorrow.

Please check out Sunday Sketch hosted by Sophia. It is a wonderful event to take part in every Sunday


Shybiker said...


Christine said...

oh she's gorgeous!

Heather said...

oh the eyes!!!!!!

Painting Tips and Tricks said...

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel

Cameron said...

This is so pretty, Shayla...those eyes are so wonderfully expressive :)

Btw, did you get my email? Just need a few tidbits about you to start working on your piece :D

Thanks Hun,

Tammie Lee said...

this is so lovely
i love her big eyes, tiny mouth and hairstyle, and so lovely with the feathers.

Tammie Lee said...

Is it ACEO size? ;-}

Lenora said...

Sweet expression love the eyes and mouth and hair bit.

gatheringwonder said...

wow - great piece

Unknown said...

She is so so cute with those amazing eyes!!!! wonderful work Shayla!!!!!

Happy Sunday!!!!

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh this is turning out soo pretty. I saw the sketch the other day and wanted to comment but something distracted me. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

Kristin Dudish said...

Such wonderful big, beautiful, Shayla-signature eyes on this cutie :)

(I think it's fantastic you used her as a model for your fascinator tutorial!)

The gallery looked like it was lots of fun (and you looked beautiful)!

Have a great weekend...


Fallingladies said...

This is wonderful, I do love the eyes too!

Sinderella's Studio said...

most incredible eyes! I must check back later to see what you do!
cheers, dana

Andrea said...

Love the innocence in her expression...I hope she being used in a nice way!! ;)
Great work.
Happy May!

Melisa said...

Aw, she's so sweet!

Morph Waffle said...

So sweet, love those eyes!

Debbie said...

beautiful sketch, i love her sweet looking!

Marlene said...

She is beautiful. The eyes are mesmerizing.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

very pretty!

Elizabeth Claire said...

She is so cute and beautiful! I would love to see the finish piece!

Joni Nickrent said...

WONDERFUL! Love the eyes! :)

m7 said...


Jennifer Williams said...

Goodness, she is just darling! Great sketch!