Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Sketches


Cameron said...

Wonderful eyes...and unexpected hitchhiker!

Tammie Lee said...

she looks a little wary of the beetle in her hair, or is it just me?

so adorable!

Nicola said...

She is beautiful! Love those big eyes and that beetle is great!! I think beetles are beautiful!!! :0)

Jehanne's doodles said...

yikes!!! the beetle. At fist glance I expected a bow and then at second glace I saw the bettle - shiver - :)
love the pen work :)

WrightStuff said...

Is she thinking... "Do I want to know what's tickling my hair?"

Gorgeous as always!

raydenzel1 said...

She looks like something is bugging her!

Christine said...

She's so pretty and I love her hair ornament, lol.

Melisa said...

She has the cutest nose. :) She doesn't look thrilled with the beetle being in her hair, but she's not freaking out like most would, LOL.

Sabina said...

The beetle is just the right touch of creepy/cuteness. Been loving all your girlie sketches.

And thanks so much for voting for my t-shirt design--it meant a lot to me. :-)

Off topic, are you a fan of the 80s cartoon Jem and the Holograms? Another blogger (Aquariann) and I are trying to organize coordinated Jem-related art posts. I'd love to see what you could come up with.

Crystal said...

Oh, she is so pretty! I think her expression will change when she discovers who has attached themselves to her! Love this. :-)

Morph Waffle said...

So wonderful and pretty, love her hair, even the bug in it! I also greatly enjoy her shirt!

Cori Lynn Berg said...

What a sweet face!

Virtual Boy said...

Love your way of doing eyes, so beautifully shaded and expressive!
The beetle looks really cool as well~

Sabina said...

Hey--just saw your comment. Thanks for responding. I don't know yet what date this would be for, though I would think relatively soon (Sun., July 3 or July 10th, since the 3rd is on a holiday weekend and might not be practical for some.) Basically it would just be a day where we post Jem-related art, preferably after getting others to participate as well. I don't know if there's a theme beyond Jem though Aquariann and I both love the character Stormer. If you know others you think might be interested spread the word, and let's see if we can get a few or more people participating. Once I know what date works for you guys I'll make a post about it.

Joni Nickrent said...

Wonderful big eyed cute! Love your sketches!

Debbie said...

What a pretty girl!

Carys said...

Beautiful drawing!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Heather said...

hey what's bugging her??? LOL - love the oversized beetle idea in her hair, and OF course, I love that face. you do great faces! xo

Julia Christie said...

How cute is she?!!! I love her eyes as usual - you draw the best eyes! and her little companion is cute not creepy :-)
How are you miss shayla?
Hope all is well with you and you are getting a little break from school.


Anonymous said...

What dumb fuck would ever be interested in buying art from you A bunch of brain dead teenagers maybe Your art is nothing out of the ordinary just a bore

Jenn Girl said...

Love it. I have to agree with the comment that said just enough creepy and sweet.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

She is so adorable with this sad big eyes. :) Love her!

Courtney Erin said...


xoxo ~ Courtney

Illustrated Ink said...

Ha, ha! I love the contrast of her cute face and the gigantor beetle! Very cool! Insects make for great art subjects. I would be completely freaking out if I were her though...seriously.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

I love your art! So very talented!!!

Sissy Sparrows said...

I really love your illustration and I have to agree with you....Sundays are my most favourite day as well.

SaraLynnArt said...

I LOVE this piece. It's the perfect mix of cute and an unexpected bit of darkness...