Thursday, June 9, 2011



Sunshineshelle said...

Ahhh, she's beautiful :)

MissTiedeman said...

beautiful as always :)

Heather said...

LOVE the finished product! Her hair is AWESOME! have a good day. :)

raydenzel1 said...

I love your big eyes style of drawing.

Lisa said...

Hi Shayla, thought a comment would be nice. I sort of found u via bloglovin, i like your artwork! Inspirational. I also like to create, but not near as good as you and Sara Holbert whos a great inspiration too.
I try and hoping to get better in future.

Take care and i will check in here soon again.

Pam Tucker said...

LOVE her! :)

Sabina said...

I really like the way the color is kind of splotched on and the warm red colors you chose.

Christine said...

I love this one Shayla!

Dear Fireflies said...

Oooo...pretty! I love those colorful splatters! :)

SaraLynnArt said...

Shayla, this is so beautiful! I love the colors in her hair. They add such a wonderful dimension to this. I also love your puppy photos!

Btw, I nominated you for an award over at my blog! :)

rachel awes said...

i found you through jenny's blog..
imaginary is gorrrrrrgeous!
i looove her hair!
what a beautiful place
you are. xox

dee said...

thats really lovely!

Cameron said...

Well her prettiness sure isn't imaginary ;P

Virtual Boy said...

Wonderful work, love the movement in her hair and, of course, the awesome paint splatters!

Marlene said...

Very pretty, love the color splotches with the graphite, unique look.

WrightStuff said...

Totally love this! New fave of yours.

Melisa said...

She's having a very interesting hair day!

EVA said...

Beautiful! A great sketch made even better by the pretty paint drops!

Morph Waffle said...

So sweet and beautiful, love it!

lissa said...

she is lovely. I like the splatters of colorful paint in her hair.

have a lovely day.

Tammie Lee said...

gorgeous, i love your pencil art and then the addition of splattered color!

Kelly said...

She's gorgeous, and I love the pain in her hair! Fantastic!!

Meagan Morrison said...

Miss Shayla,

How have you been? I almost didn't recognize your blog because of the change in title and the fact that I've been away for so long. Thanks for your awesome comment the other day. So nice to see your work again, colorful splatters in a precious girl.

Meag xx

Courtney Erin said...

This is awesome!

xoxo ~ Courtney

Sunny said...

So precious!<3 <3 <3

Cyn said...

Oh I love her hair! Very cool idea!

Lauren said...

This is so wonderful! I love the colors!!

Sparrow & Urchin

m7 said...

your artworks are very nice!

Anonymous said...

I am normally just an observer when it comes to blogs, but this actually made me wish to leave a comment. Wonderful work!

Anonymous said...

I am totally delighted with strong your blog greatly that helped me! Thank you “Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” - Mark Twain