Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dinosaur Planter Tutorial

Image from Plaid Pigeon's Facebook Page

Have you seen these quirky planters on Etsy yet? The ones above were created by Plaid Pigeon (shop inactive now).
Well it just so happens that they are very easy,FUN, and inexpensive to make!

What you will need:

-Exacto Knife
-Plastic Dinosaur (You can find these at Walmart and Toys R Us)
-Sewing Needle

Step One

The plastic dinosaur. I bought this one from Walmart for one dollar.
  Not necessary but: I didn't like the color it originally came in, which was a sort of distressed bluish/purple. I painted this dino red (for some complimentary color action) with acrylics and sprayed a clear finish over it. 

Step Two

Take your Exacto Knife and cut a hole in the back of the dinosaur...just like carving a pumpkin...except this is plastic....and a tad bit harder.

Step Three

 Thankfully the dinosaurs are hollow inside so really all the hard work is over with. I made the hole in my little guy approximately 4-5 inches wide (don't worry about the edges around the hole because your plant should cover it up). You can now put soil and your plant inside.

Step Four

After I placed the soil and plant inside I took a sewing needle (with much applied force) to make holes in the bottom which will expel some water. Make sure the hole is deep enough.


This is what yours should look similar to in the end. EPIC!!!!


Christine said...

I did so enjoy your clever and simple tutorial! Great idea. Thanks.

Mandy Crandell said...

I am so in love!!!!! Dinosaurs are my favorite! <3


M said...

I saw this on your facebook and LOVED it. I'm definitely going to try this. Love the illustration also!

And yeah, the Etsy store is up and running. Haven't sold anything yet, but that's ok.

Jenny said...

hehehe! LOVE this! Thankyou for the inspiration and show how :)x

Lanis said...

Fantastic! Great tutorial. Yours looks terrific.

Little Fever said...

EPIC! I've always wanted one of those! Thank you for posting this, now I can make one! I'll have to put one in my son's room. :)

Rudi said...

Ahh!! I HAVE seen those planters on easy and I've been googling all over them all week!! But now I don't have to!

Thank you so much!

love, rudi

Cameron said...

Too cute, Shayla! I love to see the things that catch your eye :)

...and look at that bunny background! Fantastic!!

Eny said...

I've never seen that before. It's kind of disturbing, actually, but really, really awesome!

M said...

OMG, you know what I just realized? This looks like a bulbasaur!

veronika glazunova said...

Ah! i love this idea. Soo awesome! next time I go to the swap meet im gonna be looking for dinosaur toys :D I'm makin me some planters!!. Do you sell these anywhere??haha. you totally should.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Aaaahh..I want to make one!! These are so cool!! Yes, am off to find a dinosaur now :)) xx

Jess said...

OOO. Looks like I know what I'll be doing with my 4th of July! I wonder if my landlord will mind 10 of these things hanging around my back porch...

Kafka's wife said...

This is probably the cooles flower pot i have ever seen!! I love your blog by the way, very creative and inspiring!!

Jaime Hillman said...

this is such a great idea.
i love it.

Tammie Lee said...

that is fun as can be.

Meagan Morrison said...

Ha I love it, how fun!! Good for you to take the initiative and make it for yourself.

Meag xx

Raj said...

These are so adorable!
What a fantastic DIY

Sara said...

Omg I love you right now for posting this! I totally want to make one now!

Cassidy said...

That is AWESOME!

Aria said...

You're a genius!

Caramelo said...

Loved it! X3

Teddi said...

this totally cracks me up! the end


LolaDee said...

Ha omg this is brilliant! :D :D

Mariska said...

You're so creative.
I made a few Dolly Kei Hairclips.
Should I post them??
Maybe I'll make a tutorial :D