Sunday, April 17, 2011


 Though I never got into them when I was younger I have always loved the way they looked, innocent and absolutely lovely. Dolls have been present in the earliest civilizations, in fact they are the oldest of toys to be found. First discovered inside Egyptian tombs around 2000 BCE. They have also been found in Greece and Rome and it was common to find them in the children's graves. Most were made of wood. Dolls with movable limbs and removable clothing date back to 200 BCE...

So speaking of dolls, a sort of peculiar interest to me sparked up in my life. I like paper dolls. Old and New. Though I don't put really them together, I do however admire the artwork and the diversity presented in each one. I even framed the ones I received from Mab Graves.

Sadly, I could not find many sources for these images but the few labeled ones actually have Etsy stores.

Paper Doll Links:



Lilla said...

Lovely illustration!
I used to have a set of paper dolls with lots of clothes and I loved it! I've never seen paper dolls in such a long time, where have they gone?


apinkdreamer said...

wow! your art work is amazing!!! keep creating!!!

Hannah said...

Oh, how lovely. Love the bright colours :)

WrightStuff said...

Such a dreamy picture. I love what you did with this.

Diane said...

LOVE her!!! And thanks so much for these wonderful links!!

Helen said...

Oh WOW!!! I adore this. You have used my favourite colour as your background and the doll is adorable, as are the flowers.

I really love your's unique and amazing.

Heather said...

I love the girl in the that really a doll of you? That is AWESOME! It has this really cool vintage vibe to it....and i soooo love the texture of the background bleeding into her dress too! Your style rocks!
I must check out the paper doll links you of my blog friends suggested i do paper dolls of Madeline the Mouse....hee - i have been working on it but not quite sure how to finsih them!
thanks for sharing -
have a good day! xo

Crystal said...

This is amazing! And paper dolls are the best! :-)

Marlene said...

Love your doll. I loved playing with paper dolls when I was a kid, we would spend hours making new clothes for them.

Unknown said...

Love your doll picture, she looks sad... really interesting re doll history... thanks for sharing..

Christine said...

oh your doll's beautiful Shayla. Thanks for sharing your interest in dolls.

EVA said...

A self portrait doll - fabulous! She is wonderful (but looks a little sad, hope that's not reflective of your feelings?)

Julia Christie said...

I am just amazed at the effects you get with your digital editing! I love this sweet girl and what a great idea to make a doll of yourself - her hair rocks!!

Tammie Lee said...

your doll is wonderful, as is the background and all the details, like her wonderful hair.

Joni Nickrent said...

Wonderful work! Love your style!

Deanna said...

She is very beautiful. She looks so sad though. Maybe she's waiting for someone to come play with her.

Sara said...

Beautiful picture!

Teri said...

What an adorable face and the whole composition.

Maribellum said...

she has a very retro, sixties feel to her! I love it.

Kristin Dudish said...

I was never one to play with dolls either - but yours is fantastic!

(I do love paper dolls though :) )

Love the watercolor, Shayla!


Sabina said...

This is gorgeous. I love her blue hair and I like that the flowers seem to have a different texture than the rest of the painting. Plus the expression on the doll's face is very cute. Keep up the good work.

Cameron said...

All those wonderful splotches in the background and slight grunginess compared with sweet florals and innocence....great!

SaraLynnArt said...

I love your illustration! She is so beautiful, and her eyes and hair are stunning. Also, I love dolls! I've been collecting for years and think they are the prettiest pieces of art ever. <3

Jenn Bower said...

What an amazing talent. There is such a melancholy to your work that is captivating. I love this illustration (and others I saw as I scrolled through your blog). I really enjoyed looking at your creations.

Thanks so much for the b-day wishes to my daughter, today.