Sunday, April 3, 2011

Doodle. I enjoy drawing girl’s heads.


Marlene said...

Nice sketch. That must be art to try and get pictures with a webcam.

EVA said...

She is so cute and has such attitude. You took that with your webcam! Wow! I like the effect.

Tammie Lee said...

i love her big eyes and the way you did her hair.
I have never thought of taking photos with my web cam, you clever gal.

Melisa said...


Christine said...

you may be starting a new webcam trend hair, cute girl, I like her hair.

Morph Waffle said...

Great drawing! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us to visually experience!

SaraLynnArt said...

Adorable girl! She reminds me a bit of a Blythe doll...

Ugh. I'm in the same boat. This semester and all of its work is killing me!!

Heather said...

Sweet....I love all of your work! your style is just awesome to me, my eyes always melt...even with just the sketches! good luck with school!

Deanna said...

She's very cute. I love the big eyes and you have done a fantastic job on her hair. I always have a problem with hair.

Teri said...

Lovely expressive face.

Julia Christie said...

She is very soulful! Thinking about you and hoping you have a good week!

Smiles and hugs

Sabina said...

I haven't been into blogging so much either lately. Just haven't had time. But anyway good luck with your exams and great drawing.

Kristin Dudish said...

I hope your homework and exams are going well! I look forward to more beautiful Shayla art...


p.s. Love the header :)

m7 said...

lovely drawing that one is. are the colours digital or are they the real ones?

Virtual Boy said...

She's beautiful, like a doll! Such a cute nose and mouth, and of course those lovely doe-eyes~
I hope you'll get time to relax and do some more art soon! ^-^

MissVermilion said...

Thanks for the nice comment! I just used Photoshop :)

Your work is amazing!